中國多地持續高溫。 A persistent heat wave continued to scorch some parts of China;

亞運會the Asian Games;

【#樂視網#:目前已達成認定債務規模約67億左右 尚無償債計劃】

范冰冰因涉嫌偷稅漏稅,現被限制出境,警方已介入調查。 Fan Bingbing is now facing travel restrictions while police investigate the tax evasion claims against her.

北半球積雪融化 loss of snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere;

樂視非上市體系non-listed units of LeEco

中國人民解放軍 People's Liberation Army of China (PLA)

升級為高溫黃色預警 renew a yellow alert for high temperatures;

草本飲料和蓮子羹(清朝)herbal drinks and lotus seed soup;

【美國對中薩建交“指手畫腳” 外交部強硬表態】

保持超快的速度 maintain ultrafast speeds;

加強違法行為的監管beef up efforts to supervise the illegal activity;

at com.caucho.server.dispatch.ServletInvocation.service(ServletInvocation.java:265)

【國務院又推新舉措支持實體經濟 再減稅降費450億】

至於如何防止地球溫室效應,說來容易做難:世界經濟去碳化,杜絕亂砍濫伐,提高農業技術和碳捕獲技術等。 As for what to do to prevent a hothouse Earth, it's easier said than done: Decarbonize the world economy, end deforestation, improve farming techniques a

南極海冰和極地冰蓋急劇減少 dramatic reduction of Antarctic sea ice and polar ice sheets;

對因去產能和調結構等政策性停產停業企業給予房產稅和城鎮土地使用稅減免。Enterprises whose production is halted or business suspended due to the required cutting of overcapacity or restructuring will see their real estate tax and urban land-use tax reduced or exempted.


at com.caucho.server.webapp.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:187)

沖擊波shock waves;

釋放潛力,追求真正生命價值unleash my potential to pursue the true value of life;

符合國際法和國際關系基本準則in line with the law and basic rules of international relations

偷稅漏稅 dodge tax;

#星空二號#首次試飛 The first flight-test of Starry Sky 2;

在全球范圍內生產這種環保產品 manufacture this environmentally friendly product on a global scale;

否認參與股價操控denial over links to stock price manipulation;

導致拜金主義蔓延,扭曲瞭社會價值觀,誤導年輕人 led to money-worshipping values, distorted social values and misled younger generations;

at org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncod竹北推薦月子中心ingFilter.doFilterInternal(CharacterEncodingFilter.java:88)

繼續發揮其深遠的影響力 continue to wield its profound influence;

在全國范圍內下線順風車業務suspend its hitch riding service nationwide;

中原和華南大部分地區氣溫將超過35攝氏度。 Vast areas of central and southern China will see temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius.

【#個人所得稅#法二審 起征點調至5000元不變 算算你每個月能省多少錢】

at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(HttpRequest.java:273)

固體推進劑火箭 solid-propellant rocket;

使用外掛多收乘客車費using plug-ins to overcharge the passengers;

贍養老人支出予以稅前扣除expense deduction for caring for the elderly

開啟中國建築行業的新紀元 launch a new era in China's construction industry;

若乘客提供有效證據可退回多收取的費用repay the overcharged fees to the passengers if they provide valid evidence;

冰鑒(戰國),一種銅制儲冰容器bīng h n, an ice container made of copper;

她的收入與好萊塢名人不相上下。 Her earnings are on par with - if not more than - Hollywood celebrities.

沉迷網絡遊戲和其他電子產品indulge in computer games and other electronic products;

愛情的象征a token of love;

輕衣薄衫thin, translucent clothes;


普遍認為上漲背後的推動者是幾大房屋中介。Several major real estate agencies are believed to be the main drivers behind the rent rises.

at com.caucho.util.ThreadPool$Item.run(ThreadPool.java:662)

拜仙祈福 worship the celestials through rituals;

使用石灰石代替石油衍生物 use limestone instead of oil derivatives;


黃河中下遊地區盛行竹汗衫 (清朝)。In the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River, clothing made of bamboo was popular. 止汗avoid perspiration;

對境外機構投資境內債券市場取得的債券利息收入暫免征收企業所得稅和增值稅,政策期限暫定3年。Corporate income tax and value-added tax on foreign institutions' interest gains from onshore bond market investments will be exempted for three years.

【悶!熱!蒸!烤! 中國北方成“最致命熱浪區”】

【智利推出#新型塑料袋 可溶於水還能喝#】

星河上搭起鵲橋 form a magpie bridge over the stars;


任何交易都需以實名制為基礎any trading should be based on a real-name system;

【被控逃稅遭調查 #范冰冰#姐弟被限制出境】

at com.caucho.jsp.Page.pageservice(Page.java:578)

對舊工業用地的保護和利用作出高度評價 speak highly of the protection and utilization of the old industrial site;

中國朋友言出必行Chinese friends are not only talking the talk, but also walking the walk.

清熱解毒clear away internal heat and remove toxins

順風車司機hitch driver;

心心相印,心有靈犀 know each other intimately and create a unique mutual understanding

技術故障a technical malfunction;

糾正信仰弱化,紀律松懈,態度傲慢,追逐名利奢華的風氣correct the weakening of belief, slack discipline, arrogance and chasing fame and luxury;

提高退役軍人及優撫對象撫恤標準improve the welfare system for veterans and families of those who have died in the line of duty;

即日起不得再新接入未經許可的車輛和人員,並加快清退已接入的不合規車輛和人員。No unauthorized cars and drivers should be admitted to Didi's platform from now on, and that those are already admitted be expelled faster.

中暑和脫水 heatstroke and dehydration;

美國自己早在39年前就已同中國建交瞭。Washington itself established diplomatic ties with Beijing nearly four decades ago.

at org.displaytag.filter.ResponseOverrideFilter.doFilter(ResponseOverrideFilter.java:125)

婚姻幸福的象征a symbol of a happy marriage;



陰陽合同 the dual contracting system;

國內研發的熱平衡熱保護系統 domestically developed heat-balance thermal protection system;

乘波體高超音速飛行器 hypersonic experimental waverider vehicle;

美國食品藥品監督管理局 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

at _jsp._cms_0page._template._jsp._template410966__jsp._jspService(cms_page/template/jsp/template410966.jsp:906)


非法收入超過3000元將面臨刑事訴訟face criminal charges if illegal gains surpass 3,000 yuan ($438)

不同於普通#塑料#袋,這種袋子能溶於水,且不會危害環境或溶劑。Unlike ordinary plastic bags, this one dissolves in water without causing damage to the environment or the liquid that absorbs them.

500 Servlet Exception

順風車業務模式無限期下線deactivate its online hitch ride services indefinitely ;

現有的證券法規規定,賬戶持有者不對利用其賬戶進行交易的行為負責。Under current securities regulations, account holders are not liable for the actions of those who use their accounts.

放逐在銀河兩邊 be banished to opposite sides of the Milky Way;

【 #龍泉寺##學誠法師辭去中國佛教協會會長#】

抵制宗教商業化 resist the commercialization of the religion;

非法建設大型露天佛像 illegal construction of large-scale open-air Buddhist statues;

呼籲加強佛教倫理建設called for stronger Buddhist ethics;

紫禁城內有5座冰窖全年儲冰。There were five ice cellars in the Forbidden City intended for storing ice throughout the year.

整合傳統的寺院體系和現代社會組織的管理方法 integrate the traditional monastery system and the management methods of modern social organizations;

依法維護佛教權益safeguard the rights of Buddhism under the law

【#2018亞運會#首日:孫楊奪金 領獎要求重升國旗】

避開所有現有的防空網絡evade all existing air-defense network;

在男子200米自由泳賽中獲勝claimed victory in the men's 200m freestyle;

用時1分45秒43 clocked a time of 1 minute 45.43 seconds;

金滿貫Golden Grand Slam;

【教育部#近視#率擬納入政府考核指標 將控制#考試#次數】

放中國國歌時3面獲勝者國傢的國旗掉落the flags of the three medalists dropping to the ground during the playing of the Chinese national anthem;

走下頒獎臺與主辦方協商,要求再次升旗got off the podium, walked to the officials and demanded they do it again


整個國傢都沉浸在北京申辦2008年奧運會成功的喜悅中。 The entire country was immersed in ecstasy as Beijing was awarded the 2008 Summer Olympics.



【交通部約談滴滴 責令滴滴順風車業務全線整改】

冰荔枝水和刨冰(宋朝) icy litchi juice and shaved ice;

對地方政府進行考核evaluate local government performance;

建立法律框架內志願者活動管理系統 establish a system to manage volunteer activities within a legal framework.

對社保基金和基本養老保險基金有關投資業務給予稅收減免。The investment businesses of social security funds and basic pension insurance funds will enjoy a tax break.

【#華為首次超越蘋果# 成為全球第二大智能手機廠商】

打破七年來三星和蘋果獨占智能手機出貨量“雙龍頭”的格局breaks the seven-year dominance of Samsung Electronics Co Ltd and Apple as the top two vendors in terms of smartphone shipments;

#華為#第二季度智能機出貨量為5420萬部,市場份額為15.8%,創歷史新高。Huawei delivered shipments of 54.2 million units in the second quarter of 2018 to move into the second position with a record high market share of 15.8 percent.

華為超越其對手蘋果,展現瞭中國品牌的發展。Huawei’s ability to pull ahead of its archrival Apple illustrates the advance of Chinese brands.

【#黃曉明# 卷入股票風波】


委托其母代為管理delegated an account to his mother to manage;

理財不慎indiscretion in wealth management;

哄抬股價、拉高出貨 pump and dump;

出借股票賬戶有違國傢證券法精神lend stock accounts to other traders contravenes the spirit of the country’s Securities Law;

在一個中國原則基礎上建交,順應歷史潮流。The establishment of diplomatic ties based on the one-China principle conforms to the trends of the times.

個人所得稅法修正案草案draft amendment to the individual income tax law;起征點minimum threshold;

過去幾個月,北京房租同比暴漲百分之二十至三十。 Rents in Beijing have increased dramatically-20 to 30 percent year-on-year-over the past few months.

長租公寓long-term apartment rental;

擾亂市場規律disturb the market order;

壟斷租賃市場create a monopoly in the rental market;

與水接觸come in contact with the water;


神話故事中牛郎織女一年一會 the annual meeting of the weaver girl and cowherd in Chinese mythology;

戴眼鏡的年輕人bespectacled youth

退役軍人事務部將督促地方政府和國有企業為8萬名軍官和4萬名士兵提供轉業安置。To help them with the transition, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs will make sure more than 80,000 officers and nearly 40,000 soldiers find civilian jobs arranged by local governments and State-owned enterprises.

深交所向樂視網發問詢函。Shenzhen Stock Exchange sent an inquiry to Leshi.

保證每天至少一小時戶外活動,充足睡眠,減輕課業壓力和使用電子設備的時間ensure at least one hour of outdoor activity every day, enough sleep, reduced academic workload and less time spent on electronic devices;

這起事件暴露出滴滴嚴重的管理漏洞和安全風險。The incident exposed great management loopholes and safety perils with Didi.

元世祖忽必烈在冰水中加蜜餞和果醬,成為世界上最早的冰激凌雛形。Kublai Khan added preserves and jam to his favorite icy drink, creating the world's first ice cream prototype.

隻有皇室才可制作冰激凌。No one except the royal family could make ice cream.

與公安部門深入共建用戶安全保護機制cooperate with public security departments to build its security mechanism

宜居性 habitability;

地球溫室效應將使全球平均溫度高出3.3至4.4攝氏度,海平面升高9.14到60.96米。 Such a hothouse Earth climate would see global average temperatures some 6 to 8 degrees Fahrenheit higher than they are now, with sea levels 30 to 200 feet higher than today.

沿海風暴造成的破壞damage from coastal storms;

珊瑚礁消失 eliminate coral reefs ;

永凍層融化釋放的甲烷 methane release from thawing permafrost ;

北極夏季海冰消融 loss of Arct竹北產後月子中心ic summer sea ice;

司機可更改車輛定位和行駛路線drivers can change the vehicles' normal orientations and driving courses;

禁止塑料袋廣泛商用 ban the widespread commercial use of plastic bags;

中國和薩爾瓦多都是獨立的主權國傢,有權決定自己國傢的對外關系。China and El Salvador are independent sovereign states and have the right to determine their relations with other countries.

[show] java.lang.IllegalStateException: sendError() forbidden after buffer has

been committed.


預防火災 take precautions against fires;

at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(JavaPage.java:61)


at com.caucho.server.dispatch.PageFilterChain.doFilter(PageFilterChain.java:195)

以安全作為核心的考核指標put passenger safety at the core value;

at com.caucho.server.dispatch.FilterFilterChain.doFilter(FilterFilterChain.java:87)

at com.sohu.cms.webapp.util.AjaxEncodingFilter.doFilter(AjaxEncodingFilter.java:29)

at com.caucho.server.dispatch.FilterFilterChain.doFilter(FilterFilterChain.java:87)

楔形的機身 a wedge-shaped fuselage ;

at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:76)

at com.caucho.server.dispatch.FilterFilterChain.doFilter(FilterFilterChain.java:87)

at com.sohu.cms.sna.filter.SNAFilter.doFilter(SNAFilter.java:86)

at com.caucho.server.dispatch.FilterFilterChain.doFilter(FilterFilterChain.java:87)

【#滴滴#司機使用“外掛”欺騙消費者 警方:累計3000元按詐騙論處】

中國航天空氣動力技術研究院China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics

at com.caucho.server.port.TcpConnection.run(TcpConnection.java:682)

at com.caucho.util.ThreadPool$Item.runTasks(ThreadPool.java:743)

達成認定債務規模約67億元reach a recognized debt scale of about 6.7 billion yuan;

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

2030年小學生近視率降至38%以下The percentage of primary school students with myopia should be capped below 38 percent by 2030.



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